Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rainy Day Fun

Will the rain ever stop today?? It seems that it is bound and determined to rain all day and night. Even at this very moment I am being greeted by more sounds of thunder and rain pouring on the windows. It makes it rather difficult for the guys to get anything done at the flip house! Even so, they have been working hard all day.

We had Lambert Heating and Cooling at the house today to replace the furnace. We are now in business with a new energy efficient furnace and programmable thermostat. Cory had to rip out the wall that was blocking the front of the furnace, as code requires a two foot clearance. We'll now cover it back it up with a door so that it can be accessed again in the future.

After the furnace was installed, Chad met the electrician at the house to get everything "plugged in". I guarantee you, it will not be the last time an electrician will be at the house...haha!

This afternoon, between downpours, Cory and Chad went to work on getting the walk-in door cut into the side of the garage. The door is nicely cut out, but now they need to get the concrete cut out from the bottom of the doorway. That is a tremendous job that requires much patience I am finding out. Cory has been going through blades rather quickly. The guys have described the smell of the concrete dust as a blend between firecrackers and the drill at the dentist's office! :)

Cory is bound and determined to get the door in before he goes home tonight. Hopefully they can get it's already 9pm and they're still chopping the concrete, so we'll see. It feels like 11pm already, with it getting darker sooner now, and I'm sure the guys will be tired when they finally do quit. Tomorrow they will be back at it.

On a side note, I heard on the news tonight that at 10pm this evening, autumn offically starts. We are now waving good-bye to the last hour of Summer 2010. Happy Fall, Ya'll!!

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