Sunday, September 12, 2010

Making Progress!

The last few days have been steady progress on the flip house. The entire kitchen is now empty aside from the refrigerator we have given to Mom to replace her old spare fridge...with the stipulation that she needs to stock it with Mountain Dew...haha!! I ripped off the paneling in the kitchen under the guidance of Cory. Chad and I also got a bunch of the trim removed in the bedrooms. Cory got the sink and garbage disposal unhooked, and Chad fixed an electrical nightmare we encountered in the kitchen. It's amazing to me that this house never burned down with the way they rigged some of the wiring. Absolutely insane. Cory and Chad had a hayday with the remaining cabinets in the kitchen. Here was their chance to finally do some "real" destruction, and they had fun knocking down and ripping out the counter top and cabinets.

Chad and I also did some Saturday afternoon work at the house cleaning up the mess in the backyard. Apparently, the lovely renters who lived in the house were too lazy to dispose of their grass clippings each time they mowed the lawn. So Chad and I took a rake and a shovel and scooped the entire pile into the bed of Chad's truck. We also trimmed some overgrown weeds and cleaned up the pile of junk behind the garage. We filled up the entire bed of the truck with grass, weeds, and bush clippings. These we dumped out at Chad's parent's farm. The back of the house looks much better now! No pictures of that yet, but I will post some soon. I will leave you with a nice picture of myself...working very hard...hehe! ;)

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