Friday, September 17, 2010

Gettin' Going on the Garage

Today was Dad's first day at the flip house, and Cory and Chad were both off of work to be there too. Unfortunately, I didn't get to be there because I was slaving away at the bank. those of you who know me to NOT need to snicker at that comment. The guys were blessed with a beautiful day weather wise, and they got a great start on the garage!

We decided to put in a newer and bigger garage door for more wiggle room when parking inside. Hopefully the future homeowners will like that! In order to put in a wider garage door, we needed to move the walk-in door to the side of the garage instead of the front. We also needed to replace the window that was in the garage. We made it a little smaller so we could get a standard size, and it now opens!

Tomorrow Dad and Mom will be coming to town and Dad, Chad, and Kyle will be putting in the walk-in door on the garage. Hopefully the day will be productive and fun! Chad has told me a number of times already tonight how much fun he had today. I hope we have a lot more of those kind of days to come!

On a final note, I had to laugh when I arrived at the flip house with supper for the guys. The driveway was filled with a nice assortment of CHEVY trucks! I thought it was pretty cute. Way to go guys on a successful day - even though you wiped yourselves out...;)

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