Saturday, November 27, 2010

Finally an Update!

It has been a long while since the last flip house update, so I have a lot of catching up to do!

In early November, Dad and Kyle finished up with the new exterior doors, as well as wrapping up a few other odds and ends around the house. We opted for a door without a window in the kitchen, and we like the privacy it gives. I heard that the wall of the house was not square when they put the door in, so they also had to fix the wall to get it right. Dad and Kyle did a great job!

Cory also began working on the beginning of the siding on the house. This was something we knew would be a huge improvement once finished, so we were very anxious to get it going and completed. We also wanted to get done with the siding before it got too cold outside, as the siding is not nearly as flexible once it gets cold. Cory had a heck of a time getting the first row of siding on, as he had to cut around water spigots and dryer vents and things. But his tenacity paid off, and he got the job done!

Kyle had worked with Dad all day, and it was time to go home, but he discovered a tail light out on his car. So he needed to work on that before he could leave, so of course I snapped pictures...:)

That same night, I decided it would be a good time to get the frame of the new front door painted, so to work I went. I am the painter of the crew...I don't mind actually. It's kind of relaxing to turn on some tunes and get into my zone. It was also kind of funny because it got dark before I was finished, and the neighbor down the street decided to mow his lawn with a flashlight. I was already kind of chuckling, and then his little daughter came outside and started throwing sticks around, and I laughed pretty good when I heard him tell her, "Do I need to have Mom come out here!?" And the little girl's immediate response was, "No!" You can see who wears the pants in that household! :)

Chad and Cory worked on getting some doors removed from the house and filling up the dumpster so it could be picked up full. They also did a wonderful job getting the new door knob and dead bolt put in.

The next big project was proceeding with siding the rest of the house. We first needed to tear off the old siding, which the girls stepped up to the plate and did. We ended up needing some help from Chad, and he impressed us with his quick siding removal skills. I guess we girls are still nice and delicate with the old siding, whereas the guys work with a mission in mind. We could take a lesson from them...hehe... However, we did work very hard getting that removed, nails pulled out, and debris picked up and dumped in the dumpster. So we did a good job... Pat on the back, girls!

While the girls worked on the west side of the house getting the old siding off, Dad and Cory started siding the east side of the house, while Chad worked on getting the stumps of the old bushes dug up and removed from the landscaping, and then he hopped on the pump jacks on the south side of the house and began removing siding along with Mom.

Everyone works very hard while they are at the flip house, so once in awhile we allow them all to take a quick break.

After a long day of work, the entire east side of the house and most of the north end are sided! Wow...what a difference!!!

Before we allowed Steph to quit for the day, though, she had to rake the backyard. Here she is...hard at work!

It was a great day full of much progress. After cleaning up the equipment, we took a moment to decide on dinner plans, and then we all headed to Boston's for a fun supper together!

I would also like to end with a disclaimer: I work very hard too. Even though you seldom see me in the pictures, don't be fooled. I am taking a quick photo opportunity so I can add some color to this blog. (In fact, I think I outwork all of them put together). Stay tuned for more updates to come! :)

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