Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Finally an Update!

Days and evenings have been very busy at the flip house as of late! Hence, the lack of an update in quite some time. I have to go back a couple weeks just to catch up! Here we go...

Dad and Cory spent a couple of days at the flip house working on the soffit. The original overhang on the house was about 3 1/2 feet wide...not standard and there's a reason for that! It looks awful. So that means we got rid of 18 inches of the soffit, and it looks MUCH better! It actually made the whole driveway area seem larger, as well as the west side of the house. Dad and Cory set up the pump jacks, which I had never seen before. I have no idea how I missed seeing those things all my life being the daughter of my father, but I guess this is the first time I have ever been able to go to work with him...:) Once the soffit was properly trimmed, they were able to install the facia and boy does it look good!

One big change in the work on the house has been the amount of weekday help Chad gets to be part of. His department at work was set to be eliminated and moved to the home office in Des Moines. That means, a layoff for Chad was inevitable. No one ever likes to hear that word, but with the project going on the flip house, we actually were thankful for it coming at an "opportune" time. However, before his official layoff notice, he was offered a position in another area at the same job, and he took it. So while we were relieved that we didn't have to worry about a job loss, that also means that taking vacation is pretty impossible. So while Chad has been relegated to helping on the nights and weekends only, he is still able to pop over at the house on his lunch breaks and after work to at least check out all the progress.

Mom is also one who never gets to be here during the work week, so she misses out on all the fun as well, unless we are working on the weekends. However, she is at least present by phone, as she calls Dad on her lunch breaks to make sure no one misses her...:)

The end product of cutting back the soffits looks spectacular! Tomorrow Dad, Cory, and Kyle will be back at work finishing up all the soffit and facia, and maybe get started on the east side main door. I can't wait to see it all when it's finished!

This past weekend, we worked long and hard getting the entire roof of the house and garage stripped, patched, wrapped, and shingled - and we have succeeded!! I will post updates and pictures of the shingling endeavor (and massive clean-up) tomorrow, so stay tuned! :)

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